Deb (@apieceofcake82 on instagram) has a feed full of gorgeous images and a beautiful home. But when she posted this saying: “this is my real life” I loved it all the more because it is still so beautiful but REAL. Tip and I often speak about real spaces and it doesn’t get more real & lovely than this ;)

Tx Deb for allowing us to post and for inspiring this week’s challenge

simply lovely yule / xmas / holiday table decorations

simple ikea hack.

come live with me.


hallo monkey

tx dagny > trendenser

be soft …moodboard by stil


taken by garance

lovely calm entrance/landing strip

tx interiorsporn: via design sponge

we’re still working on our entrance….and I love this entrance solution!

tx apartmenttherapy

yup. still love this!

salvation jane’s living room

tx chutzpah

I thought I had posted this last week but can’t see it so here is another lovely lovely flower shot for last week’s challenge.

~ via Rikke