Scheduled Maintenance: I Invite You To Join Me In A Little Rest

Sometimes, we are all flowing and other times we’re exhausted.

We can keep pushing up-against it. Or we can prioritize ourselves.

One minute Tip and I are releasing one of our happy house rules every week, on Monday. I’m pumped and focused on our work. Explaining our work. Learning about our new work. And suddenly, yesterday, Monday, I couldn’t.

I wrote several drafts. But my head was too full. My body too tired.

So, I took a break. I did a yoga class. I tried again. Still too tired. So I went to bed early.

I let Tip know. And I’m letting you know. I have some commitments to clients I finished this morning. But otherwise,

I’m off for the rest of the week.

solo by max wanger

I know there are going to be some of you who explain how you can’t, how ‘it’s OK for you’ and all that.

Perhaps you’re right.

But who exactly is telling you you can’t. Is it really true? Or is it a rule you assume. Are you aiming for martyrdom? By all means, I won’t stop you.

But that’s not me. Certainly not where I’m at. And for those who like a bit of science to go by with my ‘crazy’ ideas.

Rest is an essential law of nature – growth happens after rest.

First rest, then growth.

What’s the one line everyone in tech support asks you when something isn’t working

did you turn it off and restart it?

First rest, then a lot of things start working again.

morning dip by max wanger

So next time it feels too much, I invite you to try it.

Well before the breakdown. When you see the early signs. Take a seat. Carve out a pocket of time for yourself. Go for walk. Leave the office. Don’t even explain. Go to bed early. Ask you partner to wake up with the kids.

Whatever it is, rest.

Even if it means you have to schedule it in. Even if it means you have to ask someone for help or feel vulnerable. Needing rest is not a failure.

float by max wanger


Happy Equinox, Happy Jewish New Year, …Happy joyous floating rest,


PS If you take some time this week or weekend, would love to know how it went in the comments. I’ll let you know about mine next week.

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  1. Haha. scheduled maintenance.
    that’s what i should tell my clients when I’d rather drink tea and stare at the wall than work on their website that day.

    • tip

      Yup. OR you could just rephrase it Naomi and tell them you are taking some time for creative brainstorming. Then stare at the wall and drink some tea while it all works itself out in your subconscious. BOOM! ;-)

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