Ready, set, find a place! (Or let it go…)


This might seem a bit of an old fashioned Happy House Rule (HHR) for some of you but it is a constant we believe and always holds true. When something in your home doesn’t have a home of its own then where is it likely to end up? On the floor, on the dining table or on the back of a chair? It doesn’t really matter where, to be honest, because wherever it does end up, it will feel like clutter because it’s somewhere it shouldn’t be.

Nat and I have a whole bunch of great HHRs for all kinds of clutter (more to come in the following weeks I promise) but if you want less of the messy kind then here is your challenge.

– Devote a reasonable amount of time and commit to finding locations for all the things that you use that are currently homeless.

If it’s something that looks good, consider finding a home for it in plain view (usually adding it to a display or putting things in a tray are easy ways) and if not, then hide it away in a drawer or cupboard etc BUT keep access to it convenient (both for use and so that it gets returned easily) and logical (because that’s just plain efficient and we love that!).

If it’s something that doesn’t belong, that you don’t use and doesn’t have a home then why do you have it in your house?  Consider letting it go (or returning it to whomever left it there!).

Not sure about letting go?

This is a much bigger rule that we will talk about in detail later but I was thinking the other day that we often talk about clutter. It’s a bit of a buzzword these days but what we mean is:

Clutter – things in your space that you don’t engage with (i.e. use regularly or that make you smile), things out of place (often referred to as “mess”) and other people’s stuff (usually called something to the tune of “crap”).

We all have stuff we like that needs a place & some organising and we also have clutter that doesn’t belong anywhere in our house & doesn’t serve us (anymore). I most certainly do and I’m currently focused on making sure it’s on the way OUT. This happened yesterday as I tidied & cleaned (apologies for the low res pic – it was just a happy snap before it all left the house yesterday):


Tip cherry picking declutter end April 2014


So, ready, set, find a place (or let it gooooooo),



Photo 1 via @sarahshanahan_lifestyle

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