Issy Miyake 132 5 + Gatherings – Design Museum Visit Part 2

Yesterday I shared my trip to the Design Museum Holon and how it had me inspired with it’s architecture. Today I take you inside the museum, into it’s two exhibition rooms on Gatherings. Like many of us, I can be inspired by things. But in this case, it was the experience of things, in the museum space, that inspired me. I hope they inspire you too…

issy miyake 132 5

If you’ve followed this blog and us on instagram for a while, you’ll know I am fond of folded things, knitted things and geometric things. Artists like Mika Barr and Jacqui Fink (whose has incidentally just opened her online store) to name a few. So imagine my delight to discover that the exhibition in the design museum was essentially on that.

Let’s following the buildings curves upward into a darkened room featuring “Gatherings”. While I can’t say all the elements – furniture and lighting – were my thing, I can happily say that several, the knitted lamps, pictured above, and the folded chair on the right, below, made me happy. Yes, happy.

gathering exhibit design museum holon by apartment diet

Downstairs however, was for me the biggest surprise and delight.

issy miyake 132 5 gaterhings design musuem apartmentdiet

I admit to being mildly interested in fashion. I admit to being swayed by trends. I admit to wearing a lot of black. I admit to having always liked Issey Miyake clothing. Even back in the day when a friend worked in his gorgeous little store in Paddington, Sydney.

But here, downstairs, Issy Miyake took me back to geometry.

To lovely folded genius of clothes. And to…

issy miyake 132 5 design museum apartment diet

…polyesther. (Did you think I was going to say origami? ;)

For the first time ever I also considered I would wear polyesther daily. If it meant I could wear this. (I have nothing against polyesther per say, but I do come from a hot country and live in one. Polyesther doesn’t breathe like cotton. Enough said).

This collection. Issey Miyake 132 5. It’s a commentary on the future of fashion. On things designed to last.

Maybe it’s been done before. I don’t care. There in the darkened room I wanted to wear every single piece of clothing.

issy miyake folded clothing 132 5 apartment diet

And for one extra delight. Those folded objects underneath the clothes being modeled is the clothing. Every piece is made of one folded painted piece. Mathematically calculated. With very few stitches. He considers it more industrial design than fashion. Which is probably why I like it. It’s form and function.

It was beautiful. Mathematically beautiful. And it was made to last.

Issey Miyake. You are a genius.

(Can you tell I had a good time?)

What do you think – do they inspire you too?

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