Exciting news – Natalie’s book is out now!

The Wedding Virus and Other Snippets Book Cover


I’m excited to share the news that Nat has just released her debut collection of short stories, The Wedding Virus & Other Snippets. It’s available on Amazon and Kindle right now! I’d love you to support her by buying the book (and telling ALL your friends!). Hee. I’ve read it, and for someone who isn’t into chicklit (give me a detective story any day) I can tell you that it made me laugh. Out. Loud. Yes, really.
Quote by Natalie Shell The Wedding Virus and Other Snippets

Filled with stories and anecdotes, Natalie describes it as “short bites on love, life and of course, the stress that surrounds weddings – your own, or the fact that you aren’t married yet… I think it also the perfect gift for any gal who’s engaged, or simply wants to find love or laugh.” I would add that actually, if you like chicklit and having a giggle then it’s also a book for you.

I also love it because it’s the perfect book for those of us who love to read but don’t have the time to sit down and finish a novel.

What are you waiting for? Seriously, go already. ;-)

PS I know we usually chat about living lighter, but this is a huge achievement and I am so very proud of her!!!  Coming up soon, the story surrounding her book release – we’ll get back to living lighter soon enough. We are also all about what makes you breathe and shine, which for Natalie is storytelling and writing! If you would like to support her, please head over to her site and buy a book and/or recommend it to a friend.

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