Exciting news – Natalie’s book is out now!

The Wedding Virus and Other Snippets Book Cover


I’m excited to share the news that Nat has just released her debut collection of short stories, The Wedding Virus & Other Snippets. It’s available on Amazon and Kindle right now! I’d love you to support her by buying the book (and telling ALL your friends!). Hee. I’ve read it, and for someone who isn’t into chicklit (give me a detective story any day) I can tell you that it made me laugh. Out. Loud. Yes, really.
Quote by Natalie Shell The Wedding Virus and Other Snippets

Filled with stories and anecdotes, Natalie describes it as “short bites on love, life and of course, the stress that surrounds weddings – your own, or the fact that you aren’t married yet… I think it also the perfect gift for any gal who’s engaged, or simply wants to find love or laugh.” I would add that actually, if you like chicklit and having a giggle then it’s also a book for you.

I also love it because it’s the perfect book for those of us who love to read but don’t have the time to sit down and finish a novel.

What are you waiting for? Seriously, go already. ;-)

PS I know we usually chat about living lighter, but this is a huge achievement and I am so very proud of her!!!  Coming up soon, the story surrounding her book release – we’ll get back to living lighter soon enough. We are also all about what makes you breathe and shine, which for Natalie is storytelling and writing! If you would like to support her, please head over to her site and buy a book and/or recommend it to a friend.

Oh how I miss you Berlin! Notes from The Hive Conference …


Time has flown since The Hive Conference in Berlin where Natalie and I gave a workshop on “How to create the life (home, work & other stuff) you love” and I keep thinking back to the weekend and just how much fun I had both at the conference and spending time with the girls in such a fun city as Berlin! As Natalie and I work remotely with each other, from Tel Aviv & Utrecht most of the time, it was so fabulous to have a few days in person with each other to chat and brainstorm our new business, Breathe + Shine. We are so incredibly excited to tell you more about it but it is a big vision and we are busy setting solid foundations for it before we launch.  Soon, lovelies, soon!  But for now, a little rundown and a few pictures of a great weekend in Berlin. If you have a chance to visit the city I would definitely recommend it. Also, if you’re a digital storyteller, blogger or tastemaker – then The Hive Conference would be a great place for you to go – the loveliest connections made there in such a friendly atmosphere created by Yvonne and the next one in 2016 will be Dublin – fab fab fab.
Continue reading…

hem IS here!!!



So I’ve been meaning to tell you guys about this new concept store for a little while now, but with all that’s been going on for our impending launch (yes, we’re launching something too!!!), I’ve had my hands full.  But, it’s good timing anyway as they are now actually here and ready to take pre-orders. From the folk that started fab (which also bought out One Nordic) comes a brand that calls itself “High Modern Design Made Easy” – comes an IKEA flat-pack model but with private-label furnishings. A “luxury IKEA” as it were. Even better though is that you can order online and have it sent to you (IKEA has started but isn’t quite there yet as they have a different business model, unfortunately). Yahoo! No more dealing with furniture warehouses, wandering around for hours and then having to wait 6-8 weeks! BUT WAIT, there’s more – they also allow you to customise things some aspects! Very exciting stuff. Anyway, less yabbering from me, I’m sure that you want to see what they’ve got to offer so … some pictures for you to check out below.  For more, head over to hem’s webshop. Enjoy! Tipxo






Make Mistakes

This week’s #happyhouserules is about overcoming decision paralysis – and making mistakes.

make misteaks monsieur cabinet

A common barrier that Tip & I hear about over & over is “What if I make a mistake?” or “I’m afraid I’ll choose the wrong colour, fabric” etc etc. These types of questions often serve to paralyze us from making any decision at all.

Our answer is simple. “So, what if you do?”

Some decisions are admittedly harder to fix then others, some are easier to ‘live with and design around’ but most are, at the end of the day, just a mistake. Sometimes one that adds character and was the best mistake you ever made or sometimes one that needs to be painted over, or sold.

Yes, you may have to buy new paint or a different rug. You may lose a bit of money. (Generally it’s only a little bit because most goods can be returned/sold). It’s not the end of the world nor something you can’t deal with. It’s just another step in your learning journey towards understanding your true style and what your home needs.

It’s much more freeing to just shrug and allow yourself to try things and yes, make the occasional misteak.

The funny part is that once you allow yourself…you don’t seem to make as many. Or maybe it’s just that when you do make one that your attitude has changed and you don’t consider it a mistake at all anymore. Maybe you’re just ballsier and more willing to ask a store if you can try out that rug in your home and return it if it doesn’t work rather than worrying and making do with no rug at all.

Of course things go wrong. You’ll try a new shade of paint. It’s awful. (Tip actually painted her kitchen wall electric blue for a brief moment – wrong for her space in so many ways!). But because you’ve accepted that this is part of trying things out when the mistake does happen you shrug, laugh and say oops…well that’s not going to work… and go buy another can of paint.

So, what purchase / change, ahem ‘mistake’, have you been avoiding? Off you go and make it!

(Image by Monsieur Cabinet – you can buy it as a poster too)

As always, connect with us if you would like more guidance, we offer 1-1 coaching and courses.

3D Geometric Textiles – Mika Barr

Trawling for inspiration online I often go crazy for great styled images like below, but I miss touching the product, seeing how they really look and feel in real life…

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Mika Barr’s textile studio and also got to meet & chat to Mika, the designer behind these great 3D geometric textiles!



And it didn’t disappoint. In fact, I think it made me love them even more!

Thanks for the opportunity Mika. Hope you enjoy all her work as much as I do!

PS And yes of course I had to buy a pillow.

m2matiz love


I’ve got gifts on my mind and thought I’d share some of my wishlist (both for myself and for my giftees). I’ve met some truly wonderful folk over on Instagram in the last year, many of whom are makers so would love to help promote them in any way I can.

To start, the wonderfully creative Mariana from m2matiz – whom I randomly emailed the details of a local Melbourne wood brander manufacturer to, because I thought she was better off spending her time on her wonderful photos rather than etching her name into her pieces (yeah, I do stuff like that) – luckily, she didn’t think me crazy and we’ve been in touch via Instagram for the last few months. She sent me her under heaven “t.lighthaus” (a cover that allows you to turn any jar into a beautiful tea light candle holder) and I have been besotted ever since.


Check out her website for more and also good to know is that the t.lighthaus comes flat pack in an envelope so they are very very easy to have posted to you or anyone else around the world for that matter. Enjoy!


Tiny Miracles

Aaaah … Between Nat taking some rightly deserved time off on maternity leave, my crazy day job and being smack bang in the middle of our attic renovations, things have slipped through a little. Today I found a postcard that I picked up at the Amsterdam Woonbeurs (interiors fair) at the beginning of October about something more than just a little bit wonderful and it would be remiss of me not to tell you about it.

Dutch designer Pepe Heykoop opened his workshop last year in one of Mumbai’s poorest areas. In conjunction with his cousin’s Tiny Miracles Foundation he teaches skills that he hopes will allow the community to increase its standard of life. Awesome.

Right now 3 items are in production, the Paper Vase Cover (which transforms any bottle into a vase – great gift idea I think!), the Matka Vase (made from furniture industry leather scraps) and the Leather Lampshade (prrrrr). Go check them out and get some feel good factor with your designery buy!