Aaaah … Between Nat taking some rightly deserved time off on maternity leave, my crazy day job and being smack bang in the middle of our attic renovations, things have slipped through a little. Today I found a postcard that I picked up at the Amsterdam Woonbeurs (interiors fair) at the beginning of October about something more than just a little bit wonderful and it would be remiss of me not to tell you about it.
Dutch designer Pepe Heykoop opened his workshop last year in one of Mumbai’s poorest areas. In conjunction with his cousin’s Tiny Miracles Foundation he teaches skills that he hopes will allow the community to increase its standard of life. Awesome.
Right now 3 items are in production, the Paper Vase Cover (which transforms any bottle into a vase – great gift idea I think!), the Matka Vase (made from furniture industry leather scraps) and the Leather Lampshade (prrrrr). Go check them out and get some feel good factor with your designery buy!