Hello lovely people,
A note to welcome in 2015. And two gifts.
Tip and I are starting excitedly, energised and also, not in a rush. We’re also thinking of our words for the year…we choose a word, or in my case this year, 3, to hold across the year. My words are FUN, NOURISH, and RELEASE. And I’m looking forward to see how they play out.
We’d love you to join in on that too. Simply ask yourself the question “what word do I want for the year?” and listen to what comes up. Sometimes they pop in immediately other times they take time.
We have been getting a lot clearer around the fact that a lot of our work is about getting you started on YOUR path, helping YOU cut through the noise in your life to focus on what matters to YOU, as well as teaching you how to start DOING IT…whatever IT is. Whether it’s at home, work or your life in general.
How can we help you do that? Many ways in fact, but here’s one you can start with right now.
Unlock our ebook: 20 Ways To Start
Tip and I have decided to offer our ebook, #20waystostart as a free gift for anyone who subscribes. It’s a way, well 20 ways actually, to kickstart any project at home work or life, and guaranteed get you unstuck, move you from being overwhelmed, help you say bye bye to procrastiation and ENERGISE you in 2015…
To get your copy as a gift, just pop your details in here:
And it’ll arrive straight into your inbox.
A Love Letter to 2014: Give Thanks to 2014, bring in your successes and what you love, let go of the rest.
If you haven’t had a chance to take stock as 2014 rushed by, the next best time is now. Take 10 minutes now and write a list of 20 things you are proud and thankful for from last year. Give thanks to the year that was…and take a deep breath and on the exhale let go what needs to be released. Repeat breathing in the good stuff and out the other stuff for a bit if it feels right.
Blessings for a fabulous year! We can’t wait to journey with you!
Natalie & Tip